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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

“I’m Scared”

Yesterday I went to see the family in Parchment that I started working with last week. The husband said to me something I know that all families are feeling when I meet with them – “I’m scared”. This I knew, because everyone I meet with is scared – this was just unusual in that he admitted it.

There’s nothing wrong with being scared during a time of the unknown. What could be more unknown than the foreclosure process? Not only is it something that most families don’t go through, it’s something that’s almost “forbidden” to talk about. Who do we turn to that won’t make us feel guilty or ashamed? Family can sometimes be the worst!

Fear (with anything) tends to be reduced when we get educated. Because, it’s really just fear of the unknown. A good place to get answers (and educated) about the foreclosure process is a good real estate attorney. The problem there is the big $$ they’d just to educate you. The most common solutions from an attorney is “declare bankruptcy” (which of course isn’t a permanent solution and usually makes things worse (see this)), or “sorry, there’s nothing you can do, just accept it”. Lots of $$, and not much help!

As we sat and talked about their situation, I assured them I was hear to answer all of their questions and I would do whatever I could, and no charge to them, to solve their problem. After each question he asked, and I answered, I could see the fear slowly disappear, and relief come over him. They’re in the best hands now, and they knew it.

I can’t help everyone, but even when I can’t help, people are better off because they understand the process.

Knowledge = Power = Control = Less Fear

Until tomorrow morning...



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