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If You Read Only One Post On This Blog, You MUST Read This One!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

You're Not Alone

I've mentioned before about how you shouldn't feel guilty if you're facing foreclosure or behind on payments. There's been articles about how Michigan is tops in the nation in foreclosure rate, 600+ in Kalamazoo county in 2005, blah, blah, blah.

I know at that heart of it, it doesn't really matter if it's YOUR family that has the financial difficulty. None the less, a picture speaks a thousand words.

This map (click the map for a larger image) ...

... is a map of most of the foreclosures that have occurred in Kalamazoo County over the last six months.

Each of these families have a unique story - something devastating that happened to them to start their financial world spinning out of control into the eventual nightmare of a foreclosure. So yes, you're not alone.

What's important on this map are the locations that are not on it. That would be the families that my team has helped prevent the foreclosure. Now that's something to be encouraged about. Want more encouragement? See what these families went through and what had to say by going here.



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