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Monday, May 08, 2006

"My Bathroom Blew Up"

One of the 1st things I ask homeowners facing foreclosure when they call me is “tell me a little bit about the house.”

Yesterday, I had a guy tell me his bathroom “blew up” and he was turning one of the 3 bedrooms into the new bathroom, but “parts” of the old one were still there. Of course he was behind on his payments (hours cut at work because of the bad economy) and the house was worth a lot less than what he owed.

When I went to the house, the house needed a lot of work - not just the blown up bathroom. But, regardless of the condition, I always have a chance of stopping the foreclosure, rescue him from this disaster and save his credit so he could start over. The house required way to much work for my team, so we sold it to someone who’s put a few months work into it and stands to make a nice profit. Everybody won - buy especially the homeowner.

Wednesday morning of this week, I'm heading with my team to central Kentucky for a big "mater mind" session with other foreclosure specialists. There's just so much "in the details" in this business we have to stay up to date by spending time with others around the country - about every 2 or 3 months seems to be the trend lately.

So, because of the travel, this may be my last post for over a week. I'll be sure to update you upon our return. Joel


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